How to Design Strength and Conditioning Programs for Youth Athletes
Athletic sport-specific programs have become a popular approach to training youth athletes. Anacdotally, the strength and conditioning field has begun...
The Turkish Get-Up for Youth Athletes
Many parents and coaches are reluctant to have their kids participate in strength and conditioning programs. They worry about disrupting growth plates and bone development, and that the technical demands [...]
Why You Shouldn’t Be Working Out Every Day
The best athletes in the world are committed to a training program that enhances their physical skills. However, working out every day often doesn't necessarily always lead to better results. It's [...]
4 Hip Flexor Stretches to Relieve Tight Hips
The most common complaint we hear from our members is "My hips are so tight." The response is always "Here, try this hip flexor stretch." Well why are...
Why We’ve Been Dealing With Injuries Wrong for 4 Decades
1978 – a year in which average gas price was $0.63, Jimmy Carter was president of the United States, Kobe Bryant was born and Pete Rose hit his 3000th...
Recover From Injuries Faster With Blood Flow Restriction Training
Ever wonder if there is a way to improve strength and muscle size, all while recovering from an injury? Enter blood flow restriction training (BFR)....
2 Piriformis Exercises to Alleviate Glute and Leg Pain
Piriformis Exercises to Alleviate Pain Todd Sabol, MS, AT Have you ever felt a nagging pain near the top or middle of your glute that either feels...
How to Foam Roll Your Shoulders to Relieve Pain and Improve Range of Motion
Many athletes foam roll their lower bodies, but neglect the upper half. (Learn how to foam roll your upper back.) That's a missed opportunity because it's especially important to foam [...]
WATCH: Top High School Pitching Prospect Hits 102 MPH, Puts Aroldis Chapman on Notice
When an MLB pitcher throws 100 mph, it’s typically followed by gasps and applause from the crowd. Few guys can do this consistently, except for Aroldis Chapman, who currently holds [...]
Why Strength Training For Triathletes Is So Important
Athletes often specialize in one sport and use another for cross training. Runners might cycle, cyclists might run, swimmers might lift weights. But...