Big Toe
Calf Exercises That Work
Building strong calves are essential to performing in virtually all athletic endeavors. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, many gym-goers tend to...
Ankle Talk: Rehabbing an Eversion Ankle Sprain
An eversion ankle sprain can happen when your ankle rolls too far outward. It causes swelling, bruising and pain on the inside of the ankle. In severe cases, you can tear [...]
What Is Turf Toe?
Turf toe. It may sound like nothing, but it can sideline even the strongest and toughest athlete for an entire season. I had the opportunity to speak with Joe McDermott, [...]
A 3-Part Strategy for Preventing Ankle Injuries
Ankle sprains are the most common injuries in sports. A simple misstep can damage your joint and land you on the sideline. Fortunately, you can actively prevent ankle injuries with [...]
Puma Debuts the Faas 800
As a runner, you may find it difficult to find a shoe that fits your foot just right, especially since everyone has their own unique running style. But STACK is [...]
Improve Your First-Step Quickness
Here’s a series of drills that I’ve found effective for helping athletes get to the rim on a regular basis. Incorporate them into a warm-up or pre-game routine, or use [...]
Strengthen Your Ankles to Prevent Injury
You run down the field, stop and change direction—movements you've performed hundreds of times—but this time something goes wrong. On the cut, your foot rolls inward and you tumble to [...]
Use the Two-Stage Power Turn Drill to Crush the Ball Off the Tee
Any golfer can lower his or her score by driving the ball further off the tee. That's easier said than done, but there are exercises and drills that can help [...]
Dynamic Preparation for Pitchers, Part 1
The Dynamic Warm-Up is an essential precursor to every training session, and it consists of four key components. First, the warm-up needs to be consistent and easily reproducible. My approach [...]