Leg Exercises
Focus on Leg Strength to Throw Faster, not Your Arm.
Strong legs are essential in baseball for pitchers who want to throw fast. The power that comes from their lower body transfers through the arm. So it's crucial that they [...]
6 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Leg Day Again
“Friends don’t let friends skip a leg day.” Google this phrase and you will see a number of photos showing guys who have jacked upper bodies and twig legs. Here’s [...]
3 Single-Leg Exercises Every Female Athlete Should Master
If you are involved in female athletics, you are probably aware of female athletes' significantly higher injury rates than their male counterparts. This is especially true for lower half injuries, [...]
The Best Sciatic Nerve Stretch Exercises to Alleviate Leg Pain
Perform this exercise daily—or even multiple times per day—to help relieve sciatic nerve pain
Why Every Athlete Can Benefit From the Jefferson Squat
One of my favorite exercises for all athletes is the Jefferson Squat. This is an old-school movement—no really, like "from the 1800s" old—that really doesn’t get the love it deserves. [...]
3 Special Strength Exercises for Better Jumping and Sprinting
When it comes to being a better athlete, we often want one (or both) of two key qualities: To run faster To jump higher Although raw power is great, there [...]
5 Explosive Leg Exercises that Will Unlock Your Performance
Explosive leg exercises take advantage of the stretch shortening cycle. This is a reflexive movement that has three stages. A counter movement or an...
This ‘Tailpipe’ Finisher Trains You to Breathe Better While Building Lower-Body Strength
Leg day is the most skipped workout of all the muscle groups, yet it is the most important! When you train your legs properly, your overall strength will increase and [...]
Is Single-Leg Strength Training Right for You?
The unilateral versus bilateral training debate is just about as controversial as what came first, the chicken or the egg? If you were to ask personal trainers, fitness coaches or [...]
8 Single-Leg Exercises for Sports Performance and Health
Single-leg strength is a critical and overlooked aspect of sports performance training. Too many athletes would rather load up a barbell Squat or Deadlift heavy weight than train a single [...]