Back Stretch
6 Everyday Stretches for People Who Sit Too Much
Everyday stretches for anyone who sits for a living or sits too much at home. Sitting is the new smoking. Sitting for eight hours a day can be just as...
Don’t Waste Your Time With These 3 Static Stretches; Do These Instead
When it comes to mobility, more is not always better. Flexibility, excessive range of motion and general joint laxity may make you a more limber athlete, but it doesn’t necessarily [...]
6 Upper-Back Stretches That Improve Mobility and Reduce Pain
6 ESSENTIAL UPPER BODY MOBILITY DRILLS If you are a trainer or coach then you will more than likely be pretty well versed about the role of the thoracic...
A Daily Stretching Routine for Student Athletes (and Other Desk Jockeys)
A Convenient And Essential Full-Body Daily Stretching Routine for Student Athletes By Jim Carpentier, CSCS Following intense activity, tight or sore...
3 Machines to Relieve Back Pain
Your spine and back muscles are subjected to stress from bad posture, uncomfortable chairs, and even gravity. If you don’t counteract these stresses, you may experience some form of back [...]
TD1 Minute: 40-Yard Dash Training Schedule and Guidelines
In this TD1 Minute weekly series, Kurt Hester, National Training Director for D1 Sports Training and a driving force behind The Dominant One Challenge, offers instructional tips on how to [...]
How to Relieve Lower Back Pain By Stretching
Lower back pain and stiffness affect athletes and non-athletes of all ages. But it is particularly troublesome for athletes, since it hampers their sports performance, even forcing them to miss [...]
The Multiple Benefits of Stretching
High school and collegiate athletes might be surprised to learn that stretching for five to 10 minutes every day not only promotes flexibility and mobility, it also reduces physical and [...]
Stretching Routine from Texas T&F
First, before anything, you need balance between your strength, cardiovascular conditioning and flexibility training. Working on just one element isn’t effective. Once you’ve established that balance, then you can [...]