Muscle Growth
Loaded Stretching to Build Muscle and Boost Strength!
Sometimes, it's not about the training routine that you are doing but the things you incorporate into your training routine that create a maximal effect. For example, incorporating loaded stretching [...]
5 Unusual Foods That Build Muscle
Most of us already know the main foods that promote muscle growth, such as chicken, eggs, and peanut butter. We don't need to be told about them for the umpteenth [...]
5 Questions High School Athletes Should Ask Before Using Supplements
In just about any sport, it's important to be bigger, stronger and faster than your opponent. For this reason, high school athletes seek out the best...
Myths About Nutrition For Muscle Gain
Young athletes, particularly males, at the middle and high school levels often seek answers for how to pack on serious size in the shortest amount of time humanly possible. While [...]
A Nighttime Stretch Routine for Athletes
Your body is feeling a bit banged up from a tough lift or brutal practice where your coach decided to spend some extra time on conditioning. Or maybe you’re feeling [...]
New Study Reveals Gaining Muscle Actually Alters Your DNA for a Lifetime
You’ve likely heard of “yo-yo” weight loss—the issue that plagues many Americans who work hard to shed pounds, only to see them inevitably creep back on time after time. That [...]
Grow Your Chest Fast With This 6-Exercise Workout
Chest growth comes easier for some and harder for others. It's just a fact of life. But just because you aren't predisposed to have perfect pecs doesn't mean you're doomed [...]
Why Doing Cardio After Your Lift Could Sabotage Your Strength Gains
Athletes want to be the Jack of all trades—conditioned, strong, fast and muscular. The problem is, it’s tough to gain muscle and get in good cardiovascular shape at the same [...]
23 Exercises Proven to Build a Muscular Chest and Enormous Arms
They may often be referred to as “show muscles” or “mirror muscles,” but a bigger chest and jacked arms never hurt anybody. Well, they may have hurt somebody—but most likely [...]
Whole Eggs Build Muscle Drastically Better Than Egg Whites
Want to get jacked? Don't lose the yolk. That's the takeaway from a new study from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that found post-workout muscle-building response to be 40 [...]